“When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious. You could break a bone or a heart. You look before you leap and sometimes you don't leap at all because there's not
always someone there to catch you. And in life, there's no safety net. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?” | |
*thinkexist.com/quotation/maybe...t...to.../258229.html Sex and the City quotes* I like this quote very much.It is from a movie "Sex in the city".Very much related to today’s movie topic about sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment can be a serious issue when either men or women are being harassed. It can ruin peoples career or sometimes even life’s. The quote above makes it very clear that line between fun, flirting and sexual harassment is very thin. Some unwelcome express of feelings can be frustrating and uncomfortable .It is defiantly very difficult to deal with situations like this. That is why clear spell regulations and rules would ease the confusion.People of the same sex can also be victims of sexual harassment.That is why consulars availability counts ,to help deal with tough situations like this.In the twenty first century sexuality is a very open in a lot of ways.It makes more difficult to cope with sexual harassment at work. |
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Week 8 Eoc:Sexual harrasment.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Week 7 EOC: How to Evaluate Employee Performance in 15 Easy Steps
• Evaluate Experience
What did you learn?
By evaluating employees in fifteen easy steps I have learned what questions to ask when evaluating an employees. What plays important role in evaluating staff and also what questions should be avoid or are actually illegal to ask.
◦ What caught you by surprise?
What caught me by surprise is that there are actually a lot of things managers have to find out about employees in order to perform the evaluation correctly.It is also surprising how much time the evaluation took.Not just from the employee time ,but also the employer.
◦ How prepared were you?
For this particular evaluation I was not prepared well. During this practice I have actually gained some great experience. My next assessment will be improved a lot.The praparation for the questionnaire plays important role since the results are either useful or useless for the company.
◦ Evaluate theeither members of your group.
It is difficult to evaluate members of the students body .I know very little or nothing about them. Never the less I can give objective opinion about one of the student members ,George.
◦ By name, how did they participate?
◦ George was a very active participant in the evaluation. He answers all the 15 evaluation questions. He made the process simple and very pleasant. Some of the questions could make the participants nervous or stress. He was very understanding and participates in the evaluation completely.
◦ Do you think they (by name) could be viable candidates for a real job? Explain.
◦ George is a very valuable candidate for any job. His intellectuality, intelligence and integrity make any job easy to perform.
◦ Would you want them to represent your school in a job interview situation as a graduate of The Art Institute?
Yes.I would like George to represent our school in the interview as a graduate of Art Institute.He is a hard working person very eloquent and reliable as a future employee.He also as a very positive opinion about the Art Institute .
How could this experience be improved for you? For the class.?
I would like for him to represent the school in the job interview as a graduate of The Art Institute .His resume and his personality characteristics are high quality and in high demand by many employers especially in the culinary industry.
. The experience could be improved by giving an advance time to work on review the questions, before the evaluation. Also uncfontroable surrounding should be adjusted accordingly to everyone individually. Sometimes uncontrobale proximate can make the evaluation less valid.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Eoc week6 : Steps in job training instruction .
Step1The “Consolidadet”company didn’t fallow any or very few steps in job instruction training. The new secretary look like she was very nervous about her new job, because of that she was clumsy on the first day at work. She went thru a very brief orientation with another secretary, which was very unprofessional and contain very little valuable information.
Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.187
- “Organizations must provide training to new employees to transform their high potential into high performance. In the hospitality industry, services and quality determine the success or failure of a property”
Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.188
- "Most experts agree that training should be viewed s continuous cycle rather than a single event .Training cycle begin with a need assessment ,or identification of a problem.This problem usually begin results from discrepancy's between a desired outcome and what really happens".
Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.191
- "An individual analysis identifies the strength and weaknesses of the employee performing the job.The purpose of individual analysis is to specifically determine which employees required what type of training.Sometimes ,training programs are design for the entire department.
- Step2.Present the tasks or skill.
The new employee was never shown and present the new tasks. From the very beginning she was confused about her specific responsibilities and even have a very difficult time operating the copy machine which almost result in her getting physically hurt.
Step3.Try out the performance.
This step of the instructions was very helpful for the new secretary, since the stuff of the "Consolidated" company was overwhelmingly friendly and the new boss was correcting every error she made.” Consolidated " company did’t spend any money to perform correctly the steps in job instruction training.
Step4.Fallow up.
In the final step in the job instruction training of the new secretary position, there was never a fallow up. The secretary was left alone and performed on her own. Hardarly anyone check on her. Assistance with anything was not reducing gradually, but rather very immediately. Overall the steps in job instruction training at the "Consolidated” was very old fashion and not very productive
BOC WEEK 6:Stolen Valor law suites.
The Vietnam Readjustment Act of 1974 was design to provide Vietnam Veterans with protected group status for a period of four years after their discharge. So when a company hires a Vietnam Veteran over another person, the company actually is not breaking the law. It is believed that Vietnam Veterans’ served their country and sacrifice their life’s so the least we can do for them is offer them a job in exchange for service that dos not have a price.Nevertheless all employees should be treated with respect and giving respectfully time to evaluate their qualities.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Week 6:Stolen Valor
Stolen Valor Act Is Declared Unconstitutional by Circuit Court
I think “The stolen Valor act “ is very unfair to the real heroes ,that actually fought in wars for very important believes.Claiming someone else’s achievements as your owned is wrong. The copyright for authors writings have a better protection than the soldiers and heroes who sacrifice their life’s for our freedom. Claiming another person writings as your own is consider plagiarizing and violating copyrights,so why claiming achievements that never occur are made legal.That is why “Stolen Valor “ is consider in my opinion unjust.Stolen Valor Act is a very unfair act and also immoral. Actually legalizes lying. Why work for anything hard, when this act allows us to make up history and past of our life’s the way its convenient for us or it is require for the applied job. I think it is wrong for anybody to make up a resume that will contribute unfairly to our success.Our success should be strictly based on hard work and honest accomplishments.Honest history of our achievements shows our truthful personality and character.People should be judge on their correct characteristics not on what they wish to be.
This act is very morally wrong.We are setting a bed example for our children with this act.Lying is something it should not be a way to success.Laying about military honors should be a crime.Creating a resume to make us look more appealing to potential employees is huge mistake."The stolen Valor Act " is not a a way to express our freedom of speech.
Facebok,Twiiter and other social networks are maybe places to infalte personality and physical appearnce ,military honors are to significant to be dishonest about.