1.What recent changesat the Edgway Hotelprecipiteted the problem with Sally?
The Edgway Hotel has a new market segment and is taking hotel guests who demend higher level of service.The problem with Sally is that she dosnt want to change and is keeeping her old ways of service.
"Managing hospitalityHuman Resources"Robert H.Woods p.46"Disparate impact-An employer dos not intetionaly discriminate yetdos something that ivesone group advantage over another".
2.Is it an issue that Sally didnt fallow the chain of command?
Falowing the chin of command is very important as it is fallowing the rules that applay to evrone equaly.
"Managing hospitalityHuman Resources"Robert H.Woods p.47"Just case -A policy that focuses on fair and equal treatment and progressive discipline.
3.What are the roles and responsibilities of the managment team in dealing with this situation?
The managment should take Sallys complaint as a important matter and traet with fariness and fallow the laws that apply to her situation.
"Managing hospitalityHuman Resources"Robert H.Woods p.46 Employment at will-An employer may terminate an employee with or without notice at anytime.
4.Dos Sallys lentgh of service and past performance warrant specil treatment by managment in handaling her current situation?
Sally excppected to receive a specil treatment beacouse of her lenghty employment with the company and somwhat sentimantal association with the president -Mr.Alvarez.In the end the what matters the most is what would make the company most secceful and profitable. Managing hospitalityHuman Resources"Robert H.Woods p.46 Disparate treatment-An employee treat one individual diffrent from otner based on person raced,religion,national origin,or other protected chrachterisyics.
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