Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Eoc week 4:Mini case study p.185

1.What advice would you give Bob Borich?
Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.169
"On the first day of new job ,employees face new surrounding ,work rules ,responsibilities ,bosses and co-workers.At best ,this combination of new things may make an employee feel unsecured."
Well design orientation may be the key to Bob Borich problem.Welcome new employees ,arranging a welcome party or even take them to lunch the first day of work.Avoiding to much paper work orientation kit and orientation fallow up are great ways to make new employees feel comfortable in new job.
2.How unique do you believe Bob Borich current situation is?
Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.169
"Employee turnover in the hospitality industry often averages as much as 200 to 300 percent per year.Statistically speaking ,this means that the entire staff of hospitality operation turns over two to three times per year."
I Bob Borich situation is very unique .A lot of employers have deal with the same dilemma nevertheless they are a lot of avenues to deal with this type of problem.High turn over means that employees are unhappy with their compensation or work environment.Making changes int the company in the way that will benefit the employees can lower the number of employeee turnover.

3.What parts of orientation should be turned over to employees to conduct?
Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.169
"New employees have many questions about their jobs and their new organization.These questions must be answered quickly and effectively to get employee's off on the right foot".
Some parts of orientation should be turn to employees ,especially the part where employees can express their opinions .Also interacting with other coworkers and share experiences is a grate approach to empower the employees. Interacting with other employees and introduction to each other should be turn to employees and allowed appropriate time to get to know each other and feel comfortable around.

Boc:Analyze Your Job

While searching for a position in a fashion industry, I run across a job title I read about for the first time. The position title - Retail Advertising. The opening is in New York, nevertheless it sound interesting to me and exciting.

The job description

"Assist in coordinating with retail store fashion offices and creative team in selection of advertising looks. Maintain retail-advertising schedule to ensure correct media placement, avoid duplication and participate in ensuring the consistency of the overall presentation of the Calvin Klein image. Review concept and model selection with fashion director. Accessorize and style all looks. Participate in review of photography proofs, make necessary creative changes. Copy corrections and communicate changes with the retail store".

Above is a short description of a fashion position for Calvin Klein Company. This job sound very promising and fun. It is in the industry I’m currently getting my degree in and I’m very passionate about it. It is located in New York, but it will be worth to move even to New York to work for a great brand name like Calvin Klain.It will be a dream job.

This job also includes assisting in the selection of merchandise with retail store creative teams and sand Calvin Klein account executives.Scheduling and coordinating dates of windows with advertising and special events.Many classes I have taken are very much related to the job position describe above.Looking far ward to try out for position like that and see what it take to be successful.Designing and been creative is my favorite working in fashion industry.this position allowed me to express my creativity an talent.

Calvin Klein is one of my favorite designers.Would love to be part of his team.

*New York Fashion jobs

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 3 Eoc: Networking and External Sources

In today’s economy external networking can be a good source for recruiting new employees. Some of the booming future workforce can be found in:
Student Organizations. That is when hiring targets are young educated people. With expectation to further grow of the business and bring “new blood” on board with new ideas into the company. Educational background plays important role since this could help produce new managers for the business
Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods “Some of the techniques managers use to forecast the internal supply of labor for a hospitality operation is to reevaluate the skills of current employees and find out if more training is required.”
External recruiting
Give recruiters an opportunity to see how things are on the outside by talking to applicants
-is sometimes cheaper than training
-avoids many political problems associated with internal recruiting
-morale problems can develop if current employees feel that they have nub opportunity to advance in the company
-Can lower productivity
-Recruits can seems not what they were originally promised

Eoc week3:Culinary Survivors

Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.93”Forecasting the internal supply of labor begins with a careful inventory of present staff and their current skills. Managers should also anticipate the ability of current employees to acquire new skills.”

“El Sombrero” is a great example of culinary survivor. Today’s economy its in its lowest in many years. Hospitality and food industry doing whatever it takes to survive the predicament.”El Sombrero “ one of many family owned restaurants in Las Vegas, is going thru very tough times. Cutting hours, downsizing the number of employees, is how “El Sombrero “is managing the situation. Trying to save money and save the business. The restaurant was first open in 1950. Family owned restaurant looking for help from its own family members, which surprisingly doesn’t come easy .The younger generation doesn’t like to work long hours and a manual labor like their parents did when they start the business. Numbers of customers decreased in the last year. Aragon, the current owner would like to retire and sell the place .In the mean time, the business is barley hanging on…

Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.87
“While the process of recruiting and selecting employees is an expensive one, it is considerably less expensive than the alternative: processing unqualified staff. Ultimately, selecting unqualified employees results in repeating the same process over and over.”

Many restaurants trying different approach to survivor today’s tough economy. Trying to keep old traditions may be difficult. Sometimes old tradition has to be combine with some newer approaches in order to do well in today’s market. Saving money on interior decoration or equipment is what “Bob Taylor Ranch House “is doing. The restaurant opened in1997and”The only thing have been changed is the bar has a lot of Steelers stuff added” Said the owner. Savings is the key term for all the hospitality industry businesses.

Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.93”Skills inventories list each employees current skills, ability to learn new skills, qualifications, and career goals. Many hospitality operations today compile and maintain skills inventories in computerized Human Resources Information System. Some businesses still maintain skills inventories manually.”

Another example of culinary survivor is a restaurant that took more traditional approach to survive the jam.” The golden steer” a restaurant open in1958.

The restaurant is relying mostly on its customers loyalty. Keeping old traditions and making feel customers at home is also a good approach to survive tough times in a hospitality business. The restaurant has been in business for over 40 years. Some of the employees are the original once since the restaurant open. They become friends with the loyal customers’ .The dress code is very old fashion and so is the food, which is made from scratch. The marketing director, John Fondy believes that the restaurant is staying in business because “…Its stay thru to their original format”. Competitions grow rapidly in recent years. Customers have a lot choices when it comes to steakhouses in Las Vegas. Nevertheless “The golden Steer” managed to stay in business.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 2 EOC: This Charming Man

"This charming man movie "shows a recession time in a Dutch economy and at the same time a difficult moment for Dutch’s to find a job, which has a very negative influence on relations with immigrants.

Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.18 Reform and Control Act “The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 was design to regulate the employment of aliens in the United States. Under this act employers with four or more employees are prohibited from discriminating against applicants on the basis of citizenship or nationality.”

About 11 million illegal reside in the U.S., according to Department of Homeland Security estimates.In the past year, the department criminally charged a record 180 owners, employers and managers, compared with 114 in 2009. Since January 2009, it has imposed about $50 million in fines on businesses that employed illegal immigrantsLast month, for instance, clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch agreed to pay $1.04 million to settle charges that the company had deficiencies in its employee-verification system.According to the existing federal law, employers are not allowed to keep the original certified copies of the employee’s birth certificates for the Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification processing. Employers can only have the photocopies of those birth certificates. In case, employers choose to keep the photocopies of the documents, then they should carry out the process for all irrespective of their national origin or citizenship status.

Immigration Statistics USA Green Card Immigration Blog

Eoc week2: Zippy Airline Catering

1.Are the changes made by the hospitality company significant redesign of the work done? Why or why not?

Job analysis will determined what will be done in a job.This plays important role in Salys case because she is the one that will have to make important changes. The changes that were made by the new company defiantly were a great idea for a large company that is expecting to cater and provide service for a bigger number of customers. The production –line approach of preparing meals, will speed up the process and in the end serve more customers and hopefully the sales will go up. Sale are never consistent a successful business. Instead, sales in hospitality are characterized of series of peaks and valleys.

Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.81”Job analysis-Processes of determining the tasks, behaviors, and characteristics essential to a job."

2.What do you think will happen as result of this redesign?

Job design determined how the job will get done .In this situation the company redesign will define the combination of tasks and responsibilities associated with the job.As results of redesign I believe the company should be a success. That all depends on how careful and detail managers will executed all the resources.

Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.81”Job enrichment-Process of improving a job by adding responsibilities that required different skills. Sometimes called vertical job expansion.”

3.What steps would you have taken before initiating substantial changes in the way work is done at Zippy Airline Catering?

Before initiating substantial changes in the way the work is done at Zippy Airline Catering, I would definitely research the market and try to find out if expanding the company is what customer’s desire. In some cases consumers preferred a small businesses with a lot of individual attention. That’s where hospitality managers often use the forecasting methods.

Managing Hospitality Human Resources Robert H.Woods p.81”Seasonality –Many hospitality organizations are subject to variations in business depending on the season. Seasonality must be taken in to consideration when forecasting anticipated business volume.”

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 1 Eoc: Old Timer Makes Waves

1.What recent changesat the Edgway Hotelprecipiteted the problem with Sally?
The Edgway Hotel has a new market segment and is taking hotel guests who demend higher level of service.The problem with Sally is that she dosnt want to change and is keeeping her old ways of service.
"Managing hospitalityHuman Resources"Robert H.Woods p.46"Disparate impact-An employer dos not intetionaly discriminate yetdos something that ivesone group advantage over another".
2.Is it an issue that Sally didnt fallow the chain of command?
Falowing the chin of command is very important as it is fallowing the rules that applay to evrone equaly.
"Managing hospitalityHuman Resources"Robert H.Woods p.47"Just case -A policy that focuses on fair and equal treatment and progressive discipline.
3.What are the roles and responsibilities of the managment team in dealing with this situation?
The managment should take Sallys complaint as a important matter and traet with fariness and fallow the laws that apply to her situation.
"Managing hospitalityHuman Resources"Robert H.Woods p.46 Employment at will-An employer may terminate an employee with or without notice at anytime.
4.Dos Sallys lentgh of service and past performance warrant specil treatment by managment in handaling her current situation?
Sally excppected to receive a specil treatment beacouse of her lenghty employment with the company and somwhat sentimantal association with the president -Mr.Alvarez.In the end the what matters the most is what would make the company most secceful and profitable. Managing hospitalityHuman Resources"Robert H.Woods p.46 Disparate treatment-An employee treat one individual diffrent from otner based on person raced,religion,national origin,or other protected chrachterisyics.